“Are you sitting comfortably?? ….then we’ll begin.” Song: It Doesn’t Really Matter. Artist: Platinum Blonde. It was a quiet afternoon at the cottage. Lola was reading on the hammock outside and Molly and I were coloring at the kitchen table. My cousin Julie suddenly barged in. “Do you know who’s playing in town tonight??” she announced. Molly and I looked up startled. Julie yelled, “PLATINUM BLONDE!!” I gasped and dropped my fuschia-coloured crayon. Next to Guns N’ Roses, Platinum Blonde was a close second on my favorite bands list. Songs like Standing in the Dark , It Doesn’t Really Matter and Situation Critical were the theme songs of my youth as I regularly blasted them on my boom box in the 80's. I couldn’t believe that this iconic band would be playing in our tiny town of Haliburton!? I could only hope that my...