"Sweetie?" "Yes Mommy?" "Let's go for a walk!" "Ok!!! I'll get my Dora bicycle!!!" I strap the one year old in the stroller with tons of toys, rice puffs (in an impossible to open container...for hours of pleasure) and a bottle. The 3 1/2 year old jumps on her bicycle. I push on her helmet. "OWWWW!!! urgh!!! Not so HARD Mommeeeeee!!!!" sigh. I barely pushed. And we're OFF!!!!! Oh no! A green electrical box. Here we go! "Mommy, Mommy!!!!! Let's play Starbucks!!!!!" sigh. So, every single walk.....and every single electrical box.....we must play Starbucks. It was super cute when she first started this game. She would run behind the box, duck, I would have to call "Ohhh Starbucks lady?" and she would jump out and the ordering and sales would begin. But we walk EVERY SINGLE DAY and there are about 10 electrical boxes on our route. "Ok. Mommy." she says...