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This. Is. London.

The year was 2000.   I was 24 years old. I had a huge job in a pharmaceutical company and was quickly heading up the corporate ladder.     During the week I busted my ass at work, which meant I made the rich corporate big wigs even richer (insert eye roll here).   It was very stressful but I worked damn hard every day to prove myself.   But on the weekends, well….. the weekends were a different story.   The weekends were my escape.     After university, my best friends and I quickly became infatuated with the Toronto nightclub scene.   It was the perfect escape for us.   The music, the people, the clothes, the dancing… was all so grand, so loud and so fun.    Completely the opposite of our corporate lives. We just craved it all the time.   We couldn’t get enough! You can imagine that going back to work on Monday was just awful. Not only was my body still filled with Red Bull and Vodka, b...
Recent posts

Life......It's Complicated.

For those of you who don’t know, I’m a huge movie buff.   I watch movies ALL of the time. And it’s entirely not unusual for me to get “hooked” on a movie that I absolutely love, and then watch that movie every day for weeks in a row. Yes, I said every day.   Every, single, day.    That’s ridiculous you say???   Well…….of course it is!   I am Ridiculous Girl after all  ;)      Anyway, the movie that I am currently hooked on is called   “It’s Complicated”.   A delightful comedy released in 2009 which stars the acting geniuses Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin.  I regularly “troll” through TV stations to see which movies are coming up and which I need to tape.  As you can imagine, I have quite the plethora of fabulous movies on my PVR ready to be enjoyed over and over …..and over again.  I’m sure you can also imagine how devastated I was when I sw...

Physiotherapy. Do you REALLY need it??

I’m going to start off today’s blog by saying……. “I know”. I know  that it’s been a LONG time since you’ve all heard from me. I also know  that your life is not complete without my stories.  I can only imagine that you’ve probably gone into SERIOUS withdrawals and have possibly had to turn to other sources for entertainment such as Netflix, or reading books that are not at all as tantalizing or enriching as my blog.  Or perhaps you’ve even felt compelled to turn to the negativity of…..dare I say it…..the NEWS!?  I hope to goodness you haven’t.  But regardless, I’m really sorry for the time I have been away and for the consequences you have had to endure as a result of my recent sabbatical. But guyssssss, I needed a BREAK!   Since I last wrote for you, it was not long after my invasive knee surgery……..which I have since learned was actually a REALLY big deal.  You see, many surgeries in which the knee is in...

Standing in the Dark.

“Are you sitting comfortably??   ….then we’ll begin.” Song:    It Doesn’t Really Matter. Artist:   Platinum Blonde. It was a quiet afternoon at the cottage.  Lola was reading on the hammock outside and Molly and I were coloring at the kitchen table. My cousin Julie suddenly barged in.  “Do you know who’s playing in town tonight??” she announced. Molly and I looked up startled. Julie yelled, “PLATINUM BLONDE!!” I gasped and dropped my fuschia-coloured crayon. Next to Guns N’ Roses, Platinum Blonde was a close second on my favorite bands list.   Songs like Standing in the Dark , It Doesn’t Really Matter and Situation Critical  were the theme songs of my youth as I regularly blasted them on my boom box in the 80's. I couldn’t believe that this iconic band would be playing in our tiny town of Haliburton!?  I could only hope that my...